
Llanelwedd Church in Wales Primary School

Becoming the people God meant us to be


Cymraeg Campus

Criw Cymraeg:


Our Criw Cymraeg are on a mission! Their mission is to promote the use of Welsh in and around school.


The Criw is made up of 13 enthusiastic members from all four classes in our school. Mrs Bridgeman helps too! This year’s Criw will continue the work of previous “Criws” in our target of achieving the Bronze Award of Siarter Iath during this school year.


They meet to choose the phrase of the week and would like to start sharing this with you in the newsletter as well as in assemblies in school.



Maybe you could help your child learn the phrase or maybe they could teach you! Keep an eye out for the Patrwm Yr Wythnos !


Information for Parents
