Mr Adam ShearmanHeadteacher Mr Shearman has been Headteacher at Llanelwedd since September 2010. He also teaches in Dosbarth Glas for one day per week.
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Mrs Rachel PontingClass teacher Mrs Ponting has taught at Llanelwedd for 14 years and teaches Dosbarth Coch for 4 days a week whilst Mrs Price is on her maternity leave.
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Mrs Gaynor DaviesALNCO Mrs Davies has taught at Llanelwedd for many years! She works for a total of one day per week as our ALNCO.
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Mrs Hannah BridgemanClass teacher Mrs Bridgeman teaches Dosbarth Gwyrdd. She also looks after our Criw Cymraeg.
Ms Satu HaikalaClass teacher Ms Haikala teaches in Dosbarth Glas. Ms Haikala is in charge of PE and organises our annual Sports Week!
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Mr Paul WalbyClass Teacher Mr Walby teaches in Dosbarth Melyn.
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Mrs Abby PriceClass teacher Miss Page teaches in Dosbarth Coch and is currently on maternity leave.
Mrs Helen MeredithClass teacher Mrs Meredith teaches in Dosbarth Coch.
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Miss Rhian ThomasSchool Administrator Our school office is run by Rhian. She works ever morning from 8.40am until 11.40am
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Mrs Niki JonesClassroom assistant, breakfast club leader Niki works in Dosbarth Gwyrdd. She runs breakfast club.
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Miss Keely McGingClassroom assistant, after school club. Midday supervisor Keely works in Dosbarth Coch and also leads after school club. | ||
Mrs Sharon Kinsey-OwenClassroom Assistant Sharon works in Dosbarth Glas.
Miss Ebonie Collard-Francis Classroom Assistant Ebonie is our classroom assistant in Dosbarth Melyn.
Mrs Amy DaviesHLTA Amy is our preschool leader and also works in Dosbarth Coch for one afternoon each week..
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Mrs Amy Davies and Miss Kate WilliamsAmy and Kate run Llanelwedd Little Learners. Amy is the setting leader and Kate is our setting assistant. They are also both Midday Supervisors | ||
Kirsty WilliamsSchool Cook Kirsty is our school cook. She is always cheerful! | ||